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71 titles found.

2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993

- 2004 -

*Bringing Religion into International Relations
(by Jonathan Fox and Shmuel Sandler)
*Religion, Civilization and Civil War: 1945 Through the New Millennium
(by Jonathan Fox)

journal articles
*Correlated Conflicts: The Independent Nature of Ethnic Strife
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Is Ethnoreligious Conflict a Contagious Disease?
(by Jonathan Fox)
*The Unique Role of Religion in Middle Eastern Ethnic Conflict: A Large-N Study
(by Jonathan Fox)

- 2003 -

journal articles
*Are Ethno-Religious Minorities more Militant than Other Ethnic Minorities?
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Counting The Causes and Dynamics of Ethnoreligious Violence
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Ethnic Discrimination and Interstate Violence : Testing the International Impact of Domestic Behavior
(by Mary Caprioli and Peter F. Trumbore)
*Ethnoreligious Conflict in the Third World: The Role of Religion as a Cause of Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Nationalism vs. Civilizations: An Assessment of Alternate Theories on the Future of Ethnic Identity and Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Regime Types and Discrimination against Ethno-Religious Minorities: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Autocracy-Democracy Continuum
(by Jonathan Fox and Shmuel Sandler)
*Trends in Low Intensity Ethnic Conflict in Democratic States in the Post-Cold War Era: A Large N Study
(by Jonathan Fox)

- 2002 -

*Ethnoreligious Conflict in the Late 20th Century: A General Theory
(by Jonathan Fox)

book chapters
*Attaining Peace in Divided Societies: Five Principles of Emerging International Doctrine
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Containing Internal Warfare in the Twenty-First Century: The Doctrine and Policies of Engagement
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Ethnopolitical Conflict and Separatist Violence
(by Ted Robert Gurr and Anne Pitsch)
*The Impact of Religion and Regime on Ethnoreligious Conflict in the Middle East
(by Jonathan Fox and Iris Marguiles)

journal articles
*Assessing Risk Assessment: A Baltic Test
(by Michael Johns)
*Democratization, Political Institutions, and Ethnic Conflict: A Pooled, Cross-Sectional Time Series Analysis from 1985-1998
(by Stephen M. Saideman, David Lanoue, Michael Campenni, and Samuel Stanton)
*Discrimination in International Relations: Examining Why Some Ethnic Groups Receive More External Support Than Others
(by Stephen M. Saideman)
*Ethnic Bargaining in the Shadow of Third-Party Intervention
(by Rupen Cetinyan)
*Ethnic Minorities and the Clash of Civilizations: A Quantitative Analysis of Huntington’s Thesis
(by Jonathan Fox)
*In the Name of God and Nation: The Overlapping Influence of Separatism and Religion on Ethnic Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Patterns of Discrimination, Grievances, and Political Activity Among Europe’s Roma: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
(by Jonathan Fox)

- 2001 -

*Journeys Through Conflict: Narratives and Lessons
(by Hayward R. Alker, Ted Robert Gurr, and Kumar Rupesinghe, eds.)
*The Ties That Divide: Ethnic Politics, Foreign Policy, and International Conflict
(by Stephen M. Saideman)

book chapters
Domestic and Transnational Strategies for Managing Separatist Conflicts: Four Asian Cases
(by Ted Robert Gurr and Deepa Khosla)
*Minorities and Nationalists: Managing Ethnopolitical Conflict in the New Century
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

journal articles
*Are Middle East Conflicts More Religious?
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Civilizational, Religious, and National Explanations for Ethnic Rebellion in the Post-Cold War Middle East
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Clash of Civilizations or Clash of Religions, Which is a More Important Determinant of Ethnic Conflict?
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Religious Causes of International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Threats to Primal Identities: A Comparison of Nationalism and Religion as it Impacts on Protest and Rebellion
(by Jonathan Fox and Josephine Squires)
*Two Civilizations and Ethnic Conflict: Islam and the West
(by Jonathan Fox)

*Peace and Conflict 2001: A Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements, and Democracy
(by Ted Robert Gurr, Monty G. Marshall, and Deepa Khosla)

- 2000 -

*Peoples Versus States: Minorities at Risk in the New Century
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

journal articles
*Determining the Sources of Irredentism: Logit Analyses of Minorities At Risk Data
(by Stephen M. Saideman and R. William Ayres)
*Is Islam More Conflict Prone than Other Religions? A Cross-Sectional Study of Ethnoreligious Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Is Separatism as Contagious as the Common Cold or as Cancer? Testing the International and Domestic Determinants of Secessionism
(by R. William Ayres and Stephen M. Saideman)
*Religious Causes of Discrimination against Ethno-Religious Minorities
(by Jonathan Fox)
*The Effects of Religious Discrimination on Ethno-Religious Protest and Rebellion
(by Jonathan Fox)
*The Ethnic-Religious Nexus: The Impact of Religion on Ethnic Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)

*Risks of Ethnopolitical Conflict in Central Asia in the Early 21st Century: An Analysis of the Uzbek National Minorities in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and the Tajik and Kyrgyz National Minorities in Uzbekistan
(by Ted Robert Gurr, Monty G. Marshall, and Lyubov Mincheva)

- 1999 -

Third World War: System, Process, and Conflict
(by Monty G. Marshall)

journal articles
*State Failure Task Force Report: Phase II Findings
(by Daniel C. Esty, Jack A. Goldstone, Ted Robert Gurr, Barbara Harff, Marc Levy, Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Pamela T. Surko and Alan N. Unger)
*The Influence of Religious Legitimacy on Grievance Formation by Ethnoreligious Minorities
(by Jonathan Fox)
*Toward a Dynamic Theory of Ethno-religious Conflict
(by Jonathan Fox)

- 1998 -

Early Warning and Early Response
(by Susanne Schmeidl and Howard Adelman (eds.))
Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning
(by John L. Davies and Ted Robert Gurr (eds.))

book chapters
*Transnational Ethnic Ties and Foreign Policy
(by Will H. Moore and David R. Davis)

journal articles
Status in the World System and Ethnic Mobilization
(by Susan Olzak and Kiyoteru Tsutsui)
*Systematic Early Warning of Humanitarian Emergencies
(by Barbara Harff and Ted Robert Gurr)

*Assessing Risks of Ethnorebellion in the Year 2000: Three Empirical Approaches
(by Will H. Moore and Ted Robert Gurr)

- 1997 -

book chapters
Conflict and Political Order
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Ethnicity, Minorities and International Conflict Patterns
(by David R. Davis, Keith Jaggers and Will H. Moore)

journal articles
*Ethnicity Matters: Transnational Ethnic Alliances and Foreign Policy Behavior
(by David R. Davis and Will H. Moore)
*Ethnopolitical Rebellion: A Cross-sectional Analysis of the 1980s with Risk Assessments for the 1990s
(by Ted Robert Gurr and Will H. Moore)
*The Ethnic Challenge to International Security
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*The Salience of Religious Issues in Ethnic Conflicts: A Large-N Study
(by Jonathan Fox)

- 1996 -

*Early Warning of Communal Conflict and Genocide: Linking Empirical Research to International Responses
(by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff)

book chapters
*Early Warning Systems: From Surveillance to Assessment to Action
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Minorities, Nationalists, and Ethnopolitical Conflict
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Victims of the State: Genocides, Politicides, and Group Repression from 1945-1995
(by Barbara Harff and Ted Robert Gurr)

- 1995 -

book chapters
*Democracy and the Rights of Ethnic and Regional Minorities in Asia
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

journal articles
*Communal Conflicts and Global Security
(by Ted Robert Gurr)
*Deprived, Rational or Both? 'Why Minorities Rebel' Revisited
(by Ronny Lindstrom and Will H. Moore)

*Democratization and Ethnic Conflict: Issues, Strategies, Outcomes
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

- 1994 -

*Ethnic Conflict in World Politics
(by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff)

journal articles
*Peoples Against States: Ethnopolitical Conflict and the Changing World System
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

- 1993 -

*Minorities at Risk: A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflict
(by Ted Robert Gurr)

journal articles
*Why Minorities Rebel: A Cross National Analysis of Communal Mobilization and Conflict since 1945
(by Ted Robert Gurr)


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